Dovecote Park
Wilson e3+
Transformer Replacement with Voltage Management Solutions
Inrush currents from motor loads at Dovecote Park were creating short-duration voltage dips on the low voltage network. Due to the proximity of a wind turbine on the 11kV network, the effect of these events was amplified. The worst-case scenario at Dovecote Park prevailed during typical peak demand periods, when the turbine was not generating power.
The existing transformer was replaced with a 3MVA Wilson e3+
Ultra Low Loss Amorphous Transformer coupled with a 9-position on-load vacuum tap changer. The primary purpose being to reduce the grid swing and mitigate the risk of failure to critical plant and equipment from under-voltage. This results in 68,426kWh, 14.4 tCO2 and £12,316 annual savings.